Introducing WMIFF Indie Book Writer Of The Month, Randall Rutledge for "From Movie City to Music City" (My Journey Through Showbiz and How it works).
Indie books tell it like it is!
Indie Book Writer Of The Month
Randal Rutledge

Indie Book Writer Of The Month
Randal Rutledge

Randall Rutledge
Randall Rutlege has made his way through show biz and has lived to talk
about it. As many know, fame and fortune does not come easily. For
those who are wishing on a star and hoping to make their dreams come
true, Randall Rutlege has great advice for you with his book "From Movie City
to Music City, USA" (My Journey Through Showbiz and How it works).
WMIFF recent interview with the talented Randall Rutledge

Randall Rutlege has made his way through show biz and has lived to talk
about it. As many know, fame and fortune does not come easily. For
those who are wishing on a star and hoping to make their dreams come
true, Randall Rutlege has great advice for you with his book "From Movie City
to Music City, USA" (My Journey Through Showbiz and How it works).
WMIFF recent interview with the talented Randall Rutledge
WMIFF MAG - You are a man who wears many hats. You're an actor, producer, recording artist, songwriter, etc. What inspired you to write your book "From Movie City to Music City USA" (My Journey Through Showbiz and How it works)?
Randall - What inspired me to write the book "From Movie City to Music City USA" (My Journey Through Showbiz and how it works) was to basically show what I have done in show business as well as show others interested in the entertainment industry the rejections and disappointments that they are sure to face as well as the cons, scams, and rip offs they should avoid.
WMIFF MAG - Based on what you just told us, can you tell us what is the main thing that you want your readers to grasp from your book?
Randall - I want my readers to grasp the fact that this is a very tough industry to break into even if you are the most talented person to pursue this industry in awhile, and that by reading my book they will save years of trial and error as well as hundreds and thousands of dollars that they do not have to spend to pursue show business as a career.
WMIFF MAG - This book is factual on your experience. Is it also based on other people's experiences as well?
Randall - I based it more on my own personal experiences however am very confident that others have gone through the same as I have in this industry.
WMIFF MAG - Who or what are your main influences in your life? In other words do you have a mentor?
Randall - I had a mentor his name was Cliffie Stone and he taught me a lot about the country genre of the music business, Cliffie passed away in 1998, he was also Tennessee Ernie Fords Manager for 25 years just on a hand shake you can't do that in todays world contracts, ontracts, contracts. Cliffie is also the father of Curtis Stone who is the bass player and co-founder of the country group Highway 101, Cliffie was a major influence in my life in my early twenties while I was pursuing the entertainment industry and I make mention of Cliffie a lot in my book I owe a lot to him, infact I wrote a poem about Cliffie it is as follows:
Dedicated to Country Music Legend
The Late Great Cliffie Stone
He was a country music pioneer
whom to this day by many in the industry
is highly revered, The Manager of Tennessee
Ernie Ford but all talent Cliffie adored.
He gave talent a place their
craft to hone but when they felt
defeated he gave them the
encouragement to continue on.
Cliffie found a lot of the country
music stars that we know today.
And gave others great advice
to help them along their way.
I am blessed to have known him
to be able to call him friend and
mentor. I thank Cliffie for showing
me how to open the show business door.
So if you ever get the prestigious
ACM Pioneer Award it is now called
the Cliffie in honor of a man the
entire country music industry adored.
WMIFF MAG - Are there any authors that have inspired you?
Randall - Yes several infact, but I would have to say that one of my favorite authors is or was Samuel Clements (Mark Twain).
WMIFF MAG - Do you have any current projects going on or any for the near future?
Randall - I always have projects going on, I would say that my most current project is converting the book entitled Of Dreams and Nightmares written by Shirley A. Roe into a screenplay she is also the managing editor of All Books Review and is a professional book reviewer. Her website is, here is the review that she wrote for my book "From Movie City to Music City USA" It is as follows:
Genre: Self Interest/Script Writing
Title: From Movie City to Music City USA
Author: Randall Rutledge
Every movie want-to-be whether actor, producer, or scriptwriter, should pick up a copy of this book. Filled to overflowing with facts, advice, contact info including phone numbers, and warnings, over 25 years of experience in pursuing the dream. Avoid the mistakes that the author has made and learn from his experience.
Randall Rutledge takes readers on a journey that began at the age of 20 when he relocated to Hollywood and started his acting career as an extra. His career progressed during which, he tried assistant casting director, screenplay writer, producer and even songwriter.
The amount of information found between the covers of this book is mind-boggling. Topic such as agents, fees earned, portfolio needs, how to write a resume and even how to get your own Star on the Walk of Fame. This book will soon become the New Actors Handbook and should be found in every want-to-bes luggage before hitting the streets of Hollywood or Broadway.
This reviewer cannot say enough about the well written, concise and easy to understand volume of information that this one little book contains.
Highly Recommended by Reviewer: Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review.
For more information visit the authors website:
Title: From Movie City to Music City USA
Author: Randall Rutledge
WMIFF MAG - What did you find most challenging about writing your book?
Randall - Trying to keep at it and not get lazy, I started writing the book in 2001, I got through chapter one and shelfed it for a few years. I picked back up on it and started writing it again January of 2008 it took me 9 months to finish writing it and it was finally published December 5th, 2008.
WMIFF MAG - Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
Randall - What got me interested in writing was I entered a poetry contest in the 4th grade which was in 1970, I took first place and they put my poem on the wall in the hallway in a frame where it hung for years until they knocked down the old school building and replaced it with a new building.
WMIFF MAG - Do you have plan to write another book or a sequel to this one?
Randall - I definitely have plans to write not just another book or a sequel to this book, but to write several other books, in fact I will be turning all of my screenplays that I have written into books and I have written 6 original screenplays.
WMIFF MAG - Was there anything that stands out that you learned from this book that you could use to write another?
Randall - Yes how to publish them myself how to form my own publishing company as well as how to get them printed at a very reasonable cost thus cutting out the middle man and retaining a larger profit margin for myself.
WMIFF MAG - Do you have any advice for other writers?
Randall - Yes, finish what you start, publish your book yourself and don't put them on or any other online retailer as they take too much of your profit margin, have your own website built to promote and sell your book from so that you are retaining 100% of the profit, a very reasonable website designer is timothy Hayes of 52 designs his website is tell him Randall Rutledge sent you.
WMIFF MAG - How long has your book been out?
Randall - My book has been out since December 5th, 2008 almost two years.
WMIFF MAG - Where can people find your book?
Randall - They can find it for purchase either in print version or e-book format from my website they can also purchase a copy of my CD entitled "Non- Stop Flight from there as well.
WMIFF MAG - Since you are an actor, singer and man of many other hats other then writing, where can people find out more about you on the web?
Randall - People can find about about me from the following websites,, or simply google Randall Rutledge.
WMIFF MAG - Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Randall - Yes I do it is what I say on the last page of my book and that is as follows:
I hope that you have found the reading in this book enjoyable
and helpful to you, especially if you are interested in pursuing the
entertainment industry as a career.
It is not my intent to discourage you from pursuing your dream of being an actor,
writer, producer,director, singer, songwriter, model, or any other of the hundreds of
careers available within the entertainment industry. I only wish to
help you make better decisions than I did. It is my hope that you make
the big time, if that is what you dream of doing.
However, be very careful in your pursuit of the entertainment industry as you can see
there are a lot of wolves in sheeps clothing out there with nothing
more in mind than ripping you off.
So be careful, have fun, and no matter what, do not let any one
stop you from pursing any dreams that you may have whether you
want to be an actor or an architect, a producer or pilot - makes no
difference. Listen to no one, and go forth and do like the song says
which was recorded by Elvis Presley and that is Follow That Dream.
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