Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WMIFF Movie Trailer Of The Day - Unraveling Michelle trailer Directed by Michelle Farrell

Unraveling Michelleis a feature-length documentary that takes the viewer through the male-to-female transition of Michelle, formerly known as Joe O'Ferrell, a prominent independent filmmaker. The journey begins as Michelle prepares to undergo the first of a series of surgeries and treatments and quickly realizes that this process, although taxing, is far easier than the significant undertaking of revealing herself to everyone she knows: her mom, film crew, and friends who knew her as a son, a buddy, a talented cinematographer, a national hockey champion, and at times as a male role model.
We travel through the dizzying highs and lows of Michelle's metamorphosis by way of her camera lens and through the eyes of those who have been closest to her during the process.

The documentary candidly captures the multitude of reactions of the people in Michelle's personal and professional life as they come to better understand the person they have known for years. Michelle's self-deprecating humour leaves us smiling as she manages to keep this serious subject matter down-to-earth by poking fun at herself, at the process, and sometimes back at the crew.

While filming Unraveling Michellethe crew members simultaneously turn the cameras on themselves to give us insight into their blunt and truthful opinions about how they have been affected. We see Michelle's friendships and professional relationships tested as some people grow closer to Michelle and others miss the bonds they had with Joe.

By the end of Michelle's first year of transitioning she displays a sense of confidence and self-fulfillment that is inspiring for anyone facing similar challenges.

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